Jedi Fallen Order was released on November 15, 2019, developed by Respawn Entertainment and Published by Electronic Arts. The game takes place 5 years after the events of Star Wars III, you play as a surviving Jedi padawan named Cal Kestis. You start at a junkyard on the planet Bracca. You must reveal your Jedi powers to save your friend Prauf during an accident. Cal and Prauf take a ride home but encounter the second sister an inquisitor trained by Darth Vader to try and kill the remaining Jedi.
This game’s graphics are gorgeous and make real life look like a videogame. The gameplay is even more outstanding. The combat feels thoughtful, for instance being able to parry blaster bullets by blocking at the right time. Using the lightsaber feels nice, and all its movements look smooth and make you feel like a real Jedi. You are very agile in this game, getting from point A to point B in a matter of seconds, or even better being able to run away from enemies.
Jedi Fallen Order has good graphics, a nice story, and an amazing combat system. Playing this game for the first time was awesome and I can’t wait for them to release Jedi Survivor. I would rate this game an 8/10.
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