Fortnite Season 2 chapter 4 review

Fortnite season 2 chapter 4 was released on March 10th, 2023, this is Fortnite’s 22nd season, and with it comes new things. They added the Eren Yeager skin from Attack On Titan. They added 4 more POIs in this new season to the southeastern part of the map. These POIs include Mega City, Knotty Nets, Steamy Springs, and Kenjutsu Crossing. My favorite POI is Mega City and it looks a lot like Neo Tiled from season 9.

They added new augmentations like dumpster diving, which gives you loot when you go into an open dumpster and leave. Or slap surplus which gives you slap juice for every chest you open. My favorite new augmentation is munitions slide which gives you medium ammo while you are sliding.

They brought back the heavy sniper rifle, dragons Breath sniper, and the cobra DMR. The new firearms added havoc suppressed assault rifles, the havoc pump shotgun, and the overclocked pulse rifle. My favorite out of all of these weapons is the overclocked pulse rifle because it shoots very fast.

This new season they introduced new skins, weapons, and augmentations. They even added Creative 2.0 making it easier for players to create games. I give Fortnite season 2 chapter 4 a 7/10


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